Light Weight Cave Diving Harness
When on a caving trip and there is more caving than diving, or the sumps only require a pair of 3 litre cylinders, a standard cave diving harness can be bulky to carry and a bit of an overkill.
Enter my light weight cave diving harness. Its nothing new as its been done before, this is just my take on it. Its just a weight belt and a bit of upper torso 8mm bungee. The belt bit is self explanatory from the pictures. The bungee is sized to the user then a double barrel knot tied. A webbing spacer that sits on your back gives the bungee some shape. I just wrap the bungee around the tank neck/valve a couple of times which pulls everything in tidy. You can add a double ender P clip if you want to pull things in further which acts like a chest strap. Works well (although on longer carries you can get a stiff neck) and packs really small so you hardly know you are carrying or wearing it.